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Summer Solstice Offer. Buy 3 or more products and receive a free item. You may add in which item you would like, or I shall intuitively choose one for you. Bright blessings Angie Waudby.

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Sacred Soy Candles

Showing 49 of 49 products in Sacred Soy Candles
02 The Magician
A fragrance inspiring courage, drive and personal initiative, realizing our potential. Infused with Merlinite The Stone of Magic.
03 The High Priestess
A fragrance inspiring mystery, intuition and silent power. Infused with Larimar The Stone of Enlightenment.
04 The Empress
A fragrance inspiring feminine vitality, harmony and sensual pleasure. Infused with Orange Carnelian The Stone of the Essence of Life.
06 The Hierophant
A fragrance inspiring education and wisdom of traditional rules and values. Infused with Staurolite The Fairy Cross Stone.
07 The Lovers
A fragrance inspiring love, trust and self-acceptance. Infused with Rose Quartz The Stone of a Heartsong.
12 Justice
A fragrance inspiring fairness, logic and taking responsibility for our choices. Infused with Apophyllite The Stone of Truth.
15 Temperance
A fragrance inspiring the harmony of desires and needs, clarity and mutual respect. Infused with Rainbow Aqua Quartz "The Stone of the Rainbow Pathway".
18 The Star
A fragrance inspiring joy and optimism, bringing the love of the angels into our hearts. Infused with Citrine The Stone of the Sentinels of the Sun.
19 The Moon
A fragrance inspiring the trust of our feminine intuition and psychic knowledge. Infused with Moonstone The Stone of Lunarias Flight.
20 The Sun
A fragrance inspiring friendships, happiness and self-confidence. Infused with Sunstone The Stone of Joie de Vivre.
22 The World
A fragrance inspiring completion, fulfilment and knowledge that the World is your Oyster. Infused with Topaz The tone of Sacred Treasure.
Abundance and Wealth
The scent and light of this sacred candle aids connection to the Angelic Realms in showering us with abundance, happiness and wealth.
Archangel Ariel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Ariel, guardian and protector of nature and all life native to Earth.
Archangel Azrael Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Azrael, often referred to as the Archangel of Death. He escorts our departed souls on their heavenly journeys, ensuring they safely connect with the afterlife. He surrounds grieving loved ones on the Earth plane with his peaceful and transformative energy, lifting them out of desolation with his compassion and divine love.
Archangel Chamuel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Chamuel who serves on the pink ray of unconditional love and nurturing.
Archangel Gabriel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Gabriel who serves on the white ray of purification, clarity and understanding.
Archangel Haniel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Archangel Haniel, whose presence helps us return to our true state of being and to the integrity of our Divine self.
Archangel Jeremiel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Jeremiel, Archangel of Mercy, who assists us to see clearly the effects of our life decisions and where they are leading us.
Archangel Jophiel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Jophiel who serves on the yellow ray of wisdom and illumination.
Archangel Metatron Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle inspires calmness, serenity and healing of the soul. It aligns our light body with the energies of Archangel Metatron and those of cosmic creation, linking us to the Tree of Life and all five Platonic Solids.
Archangel Michael Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Michael who serves on the blue ray of protection, power and truth.
Archangel Raphael Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Raphael who serves on the green ray of healing, harmony and abundance.
Archangel Ratziel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Ratziel, keeper of the secrets of the universe, and helps us understand information which is divinely received. He opens us to higher levels of psychic ability and increases our perception of divine hearing, seeing and knowing.
Archangel Sandalphon Candle
he fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Sandalphon, twin aspect of Metatron. Sandalphon’s chief role is to carry our prayers to God so they can be answered. He assists with absent healing, anchoring Light on Earth, is Patron of Music & Heavenly Song, and Guardian of Earth.
Archangel Tzapkiel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Tzapkiel, an aspect of the Divine feminine and guardian of Akashic mysteries, who helps us access the deepest compassion within our hearts and be released from old karmic patterns.
Archangel Uriel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Uriel who serves on the ruby ray of spiritual devotion and mastery.
Archangel Zadkiel Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection with Archangel Zadkiel who serves on the violet ray of transmutation and alchemy.
Calm and Peace
The scent and light of this sacred candle aids connection with the Angelic Realms to bring calm, healing and peace after or during times of unhappiness, difficulty or sadness.
Elen of the Ways
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Elen of the Ways, the ancient Celtic Horned Goddess who watches over the crossroads guiding lost souls to the light and also helping those lost on their spiritual path.
Goddess Blodeuwedd
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Blodeuwedd meaning flower face, the Welsh Goddess of Spring.
Goddess Brigid
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Brigid, Celtic Goddess of healing, prosperity and writing.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to The Green Man - symbol of rebirth, resurrection and vegetation of the land.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to The Green Woman who is a goddess force of fertility and life.
Guardian Angel
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to your Guardian Angel by creating an open channel of communication.
Lady of the Lake
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to The Lady of the Lake, known by the Romans as Coventina, the Goddess of the Astral planes, the Isle of Avalon and the guardian of the doorways to the Fairy Realm.
Mother Earth
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Mother Earth (Gaia) a living breathing entity, the divine feminine Goddess, the all nurturing Mother.
Psychic Protection
The scent and light of this sacred candle aids connection with the Angelic Realms to expel negative energies and thoughts that may be projected towards us, knowingly or unknowingly.
Spiritual Clearing
The scent and light of this sacred candle aids connection with the Angelic Realms to to clear an area, such as a room in a house of lower energy.
Spiritual Connection
The scent and light of this sacred candle aids connection with the channels of Divine communication via the assistance of the Angelic Realms and entrusted Spirit Guides in a safe and protected manner.
The Air Dragon Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to the Air Dragon who brings insight, inspiration and vitality to our life.
The Cosmic Dragon Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to the Cosmic Dragon who may prefer to present itself as purple energy and colour.
The Earth Dragon Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to the Earth Dragon, bringer of creative power and riches.
The Fire Dragon Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to the Fire Dragon - symbol of energy, mastery and transmutation.
The Gold Dragon
This fragrance aids connection to the Gold Dragon. The Gold Dragon represents enlightenment, wealth and wisdom in all aspects of life and can become a powerful ally in situations where justice is sought.
The Silver Violet Dragon
This fragrance aids connection to the Silver Violet Dragon. Silver Violet Dragon energy transcends the spheres of consciousness, assisting us in deep and wondrous spiritual alchemy.
The Violet Flame
The scent and light of this sacred candle aids connection with the Angelic Realms of the Violet Flame, a spiritual healing tool brought forward by the Ascended Masters and Archangels of the 7th Ray.
The Water Dragon Candle
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to the Water Dragon who stirs the depths of our passion.